Thursday, March 15, 2012


This week the BRH has been asked to increase his efforts. We have done long hacks, short hacks and Tuesday a little of arena jumping. I haven't made any jumps yet. The barn that we are at is strictly western pleasure and barrel racing. We fit in well. I scanned the barn and surrounding areas and found a few buckets and rails. I made a skinny...which is a new meaning of "skinny" and threw in the mounting block just for the heck of it.
At first I think Olly was just happy to be jumping, but then got bored...quickly. He was basically just trotting over the cavaletti-esk jumps I made. I did add a few ground rails at the far end of the arena.
I have it on video. I didn't set the video to music this time, only because the commentary is slightly hilarious. Sometimes I forget there is a camera rolling.

It was a short ride, just because I didn't want to tire him out too much and we had done quite a bit of riding over the past week.

Yesterday, we went out for another hack. Nothing too much. I think it topped out at like 3-4 miles. We trotted some good lengths in the fields and did one nice controlled canter. Mostly walking enjoying the 81* weather. That's right 81*!!!! I can only hope and pray that the weather stays nice. **fingers crossed**

Today, depending on the weather, thunderstorms starting at 5p, may have the day off. I think he deserves a good break. His last day off was Friday.

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