Anytime I go out side Olly neighs at me. He is always expecting a treat of some sort. Sometimes a sugar cube or a granola bar. He is even happy with a kiss. What a good boy. I walk to the garage to get his halter and boy, watch his eyes perk. He knows what is coming. Straight to the gate he ran. Lack of energy, I think not. I tie him to the barn and start evaluating his coat. O-M-G!! He must have rolled every day this week! The dirt was so thick on him it took 20 minutes to brush just the front half of him. I think if I would have given him a bath he would have been a mud pie. Another 20 minutes for the rear and we are ready for the saddle.
What a change in attitude from a week and a half ago. today he is calm and loving all the attention. No pawing or stomping. No head tossing or dancing. Just a thankful horse. Talk about dual personality. Lets hope the other one stays away.
Typically, as we walk away, he neighs and makes sure Kiki knows that he is leaving. We enter the trail and the testing begins. A little prancing here and there. I start to move him out and, well, it is just easier to canter...sorry boy, I asked for a lengthened trot. Back to a walk we go. We went back and forth like this for a few strides and then he finally realized that what ever mama says, goes. If only EVERYONE realized
We get down to the end of the trail, it isn't very long, and Kiki neighs. Here we go again!
Let me explain the one and only trail I have to ride on (so far). It goes a few houses down the street and circles back behind my house. So really, they can still whiney the entire ride. Which is fine, he needs to learn to deal. I am working on getting more trail riding privledges, I just have to get to know the neighbors first.
So back to the prancing, almost a piaffe. walk, trot, move out...back to a walk. About 30 minutes into the ride the white flag goes up and he is supple and listening. Once again, mama is always right. We stop at my little grass arena to do some transitions and circles.
On the last part of the trail it is mostly sand. I look down because Olly's shoe prints are imprinted and I see deer tracks. Husband will be soooo happy to hear that! Maybe a deer in our freezer this winter? We can only hope.
What ever it takes to keep his mind on me and not Kiki. Another 30 minutes pass and we are on the road back home. Not too bad. A few houses from home the neighing starts again.
3rd house on the left is ours
I really don't mind the talking back and forth, it is the pay-no-mind to anything else that irritates me. He is getting better. But not the best. I think he has ADHD.
Back at the barn I work on this dirt, which I thought I had brushed off. It is coming out of his pores!! Can't wait til Friday (that is bath day). I get the dirt to a minimal and start on the tail. I have a huge issue with tails. I have to completely brush them. I know it isn't good to do, but I can't help it. Every week I wash, condition and brush his tail. Then I braid and bag it. Ask anyone in Hawaii He always had a tail bag on.
Fully brushed
Braided perfection
I can't help it. I hope his tail doesn't suffer to badly from split ends because of my bad habit. After all the grooming it is dinner time and the ponies go back in the paddock for bed. The love each other so much.
I think I might have created a monster!
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