Like I said before, I started her out on alf cubes, 1/4c oil and electrolytes. We are adding about 1c of some senior food, just to increase the fat and calorie content. She is such a good pony. Olly loves her and the boys can't wait to ride her. I couldn't put them off any longer. Colton had been nagging me all day every day to ride HIS pony. So I thought, well lets see if his saddle fits. Last year I found a childs sized AP saddle. I bet it is only a 12", it fits him almost perfectly. The only thig I was worried about for Kiki was the tree size. How else then to try it on. After helping husband clean the garage I pulled out the mini saddle. I had a pad, but what about the girth? Crap! I looked through my stuff, how on earth was I going to make a 50" girth fit a 12h pony? Hey...what about my dressage girth? Yea! I am a genius! Might need a bliiet extender, but it might work. So I tote all the stuff out to the barn and get going. After brushing and spoiling her I set the saddle on her back, amazing, it fits! Withers, check...level on the back, check-check...not too far on the shoulder, CHECK and CHECK! And here I thought I was going to have to buy all new stuff for this girl. Now the girth...son-of-a-monkey it worked! I don't have a bridle for her yet so I just hooked a pair of reins to her halter, hopefully she won't pull through it.
Time to get on! Colton was so excited he came with pj's on and no shoes, yes my kids are part hillbilly, I won't say from which side of the family that comes from. As soon as the boots are on you can go I tell him. In a flash he was back and on that pony!
Told you he was hillbilly, but I love him!
She was suprisingly responsive. Most ponies that are aged and have been ridden alot tend to be dead sided and hard mouthed. Barely a bump on the side and she is into a trot, a pull with one had and she is almost spinning. Who would want to sell this great pony?! The ride didn't last long. Kiki likes her grass and it posed a problem with my new little rider. It isn't fun when the pony doesn't do what you want it to...the crying started. Not only did I feel bad that he was upset, I had been there too at times, but the neighbors were looking at me like some crazy mom that was making her kid ride this, as Colton put it "mean" pony. After settling him down a bit, I told him that Kiki is sad and didn't know why he was crying. She just wants to know what she did wrong. After putting it that way, he told her he was sorry, gave it one more try and decided to end on a good note for the day. A beautiful ending.
When I was 9 my dad put me up on this 13.3h paint gelding that hadn't been ridden in years and said "have fun." All I did was hang on at a full hand gallop until after a few weeks got the balls to yank him to a stop. No love filled talks about what I might be doing wrong. Just here is your pony and good luck. Love you too the end I guess it made me realize that I had to get my pony to listen to me. A year later he and I won first place in the flag race and the keyhole race and ended up going to Indianapolis to compete. He was the best pony in the world. I hope that Colton can find a pony like that to teach him what he needs, but in a more understanding and learning environment than mine, of
My other boys gave it a try too. Travis loved it and actually did well with the grass eating pony.
All my kids are hillbilly in someway...
Brad rode well too, no pic though. He needed an extra hand. Like I said...grass eating pony.
We gave Kiki lots of love and apologized for the behavior and went to untack. Nothing but brushing and food for the rest of the night. in the end, I am proud of Colton sucking up his fears and at least taking into consideration that he might be part of the problem. She is a living animal and has feelings too. Another learning experience!
Olly wanted to be in the action too, afterall it was his girlfriend that was getting all the attention. And we can't have!
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