Saturday, July 17, 2010

Non-BigRedHorse blog...

Today I got up early to head out and do work day at the "full-service" barn of mine. Yes, that was sarcasm. Well, I got to the barn at 0750. Ten minutes early. Tif, was there EARLY! Go girl! We should all take a lesson from her. We got started right away. We quickly figured out that ODR are dumbasses and didn't measure the posts when the cemented them into the ground. We had to measure and cut EVERY SINGLE BOARD before screwing them in. Are you freaking kidding me??!! Genius' I tell ya! So...Tif and I made sure that we were the "motivators" and kept the drive going. We also had some awesome friends that came to help us out...granted they were LATE...but I am totally thankful that they came. We can always use some muscle.
After we placed all the boards, it was time to run the hotwire. Where's the hot wire? Someone forgot to buy it! Ahhhhhh!! Are you kidding me?! I had to untangle this hot mess....

So after I untangled it, Jonathan decided to step in and help me run it. How gracious of him...after I did all the hard work. The guys ran ahead and nailed in all the plastic insulators while I ran the wire. Then came the gates...since Jonathan was afraid of heights (ahahahaha) I the GIRL who was afraid of heights had to climb up and do the job. Jared was nice enough to do the last one.


Jonathan watching from below...Thank you guys for helping!!! :)
After the work day Kelsy and Kim were going to the tattoo shop. I'm in!!! We went home and showered and got goin'!
A few hours later....

My awesomeness taking place...

Finished product.


  1. Wow, love the tattoo! Sweet. Do you have others?

  2. BadAss! Are those riding crops?! :)

  3. I have one other tattoo of my pony I rode in High School. I got it like 4 years ago.
    Yes, they are riding crops! The look exactly like the one I use now ;) I wanted to get a Jolly Roger tattoo, but not look too "manly" so I tweeked it a bit. My brother did alot of the drawing. The cute tattoo artist did the rest ;)I love it!!!
