Friday, April 24, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away!

The sky started out a bit gloomy, but I thought it might blow over. It wasn't suppose to rain til noon. How can they tell it down to the hour, I have no idea. It doesn't matter anyway because it was raining by 0830. I head to the barn to paint some jump cups, since Tina said she would be there at 0900. Well she ended up not being there til who knows when, no painting today. I give Olly some treats and head back home. At around 1430 I go back to the barn to feed and to see if stacy can show me how to use my new Garmin GPS. The whole technology thing is pretty new, since it will be on my horse. As I get the low down, the rain gets stronger and stronger. Now there is a storm warning and the show is suppose to be Saturday. As I am standing talking to Stacy, Olly is standing out in the rain! That crazy horse, he is freezing cold and all he does is stand in the rain. I decided to give him an extra 1/4c of corn oil to help him through the night. Poor boy, I just love him.

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