Monday, June 21, 2010

Today's Evaluation

This morning as soon as the kids got up I headed to the barn to see how Olly's leg was. He had eaten all his dinner and was acting like nothing had ever happened. I pulled him out of his stall and walked him to the hitching post. When I took the wrap off, his leg appeared much better. There was a bit of definition in the tendons and I was getting a tinge of relief. I cold hosed him for 10 minutes and hand walked him for about five, just to see if there was any difference in the way he was walking. He seemed completely normal...with swelling.

A bit better, right?

Going for a small walk.

Pfffft on those jumps!!

My poor boy!!

And back to the barn.

My children insisted on this shot. That is Rudolf and Cody Maverick hitching a ride. Notice the excitement on my face...?
I made my way back home and after doing some laundry and getting the children lunch, I packed them back up and went to cold hose. Again.

15 minutes of comfort.

This time his fet was really inflammed. More so than last night. Dog-gone-it! I cold hosed this time for 15 minutes and no hand walking. Again Olly seemed like it was just another day.
While I was there, I wanted to make myself useful, so I went to the scrap barn and dug out some wood that EVERYONE insisted was rotted. Really? Since when does wolmanized wood rot? Well, they weren't going to be using it, and it was just stacked in an empty quarentine stall, so I made three new jumps. I made sure that I grabbed my tape measure and drill...with bits before I left the house. Well, not my drill and bits, Husband's drill and I ended up having to use the table saw. Ugh! I don't like using saws. Why? much as I would like to say I don't know how (so I can get out of it), I can. I have used circular saws, table saws, and even jig saws. I just have this weird fear. I always invision myself getting hurt. And not like, the board jumped and hit me in the face, like gore-y, my kids have to call 9-1-1 because I can't. I know, totally irrational. Today, for the sake of jump making, I sucked it up and used the table saw to cut the feet to the standards. I only finished one jump. I had Husband bring his circular saw and finish cutting the feet to the other two after work. He loves me so!
While Husband was herding my kids this evening, I made another round of cold hosing and added some bute. His fet was still inflammed. It didn't get worse...which was good, but I was hoping for some sort of improvement.

I only wrapped his hinds tonight. I have heard that when you wrap you are suppose to wrap all fours, but I think he will be fine. I am hoping that in the morning we will see some sort of improvement.
I know y'all like the blue ;)

On the way back to the barn to administer some bute, I caught him resting....on his LEFT HIND!! AHHHHH!!!!


  1. Well, if he's resting on it, can it hurt all that much I ask? Not what we want to see, I know. Get better Olly man!
    Nickers from Jackson...

  2. He isn't acting like it hurts, that's the just looks terrible. Ugh!

  3. I think if he doesn't seem like it hurts, he'll be ok. Poor it did look better and then boom swollen again...was it really humid that day? That could have caused it? Or if he laid down? Who knows.
    When I was wrapping, I had to do all four for a while, then got approval for just the back two, so I think u are ok w/ that.
    Do your kids play at the barn when u are there! Fantastic!

  4. Oh the kids love it at the barn. They take their bikes and pretend they are "Army guys."
    It has been humid here since, oh, I don't know, early May? lol. It has been over 90* everyday for the past two weeks. I think one day it was 86*. And the humidity--usually 60-70% sometimes higher.
